Life With Braces As An Adult

Posted on 09/03/2018

An Orthodontist in Muscle Shoals, AL You Can Trust

adult with bracesWhen deciding on an orthodontist, it's important to choose one you can trust to provide you with efficient and effective treatment. Dr. Hudson and his highly skilled staff of orthodontic professionals are prepared to provide you with high quality orthodontic care in a pleasant and welcoming environment. We proudly deliver the best treatment of any Muscle Shoals orthodontics provider, from clear aligners to more traditional styles of braces.

Why Choose Orthodontics?

It's becoming more and more common for adults to turn to braces in order to achieve a more perfect looking smile. In fact, 1 in 5 orthodontic patients is an adult! But why choose braces as an adult? There are actually many reasons! A great smile can be an excellent asset in not only personal situations, but in the professional world, as well. Many studies have shown that people tend to more easily trust those with a better looking smile — but up to 75% of adults have some sort of malocclusion, or bad bite. Common issues include crowding or drifting of teeth, overbites, and spacing issues.

Get the Smile You've Always Wanted with Clear Aligners from Your Muscle Shoals Orthodontics Provider

Thanks to advancements in orthodontic technologies over the years, there are a variety of treatment options adults may seek in order to perfect their smile. Some choose to go the more traditional route with metal braces, but will require a change of lifestyle during the treatment process. Avoiding hard, crunchy, sticky, and tough foods is a must with metal braces in order to minimize the risk of damaging wires or brackets. Adults with traditional braces will also need to take extra care to ensure they are properly brushing and flossing, as there are more surfaces for foods to cling to.

One alternative to metal braces growing in popularity is the use of clear aligners. Clear aligners work very similarly to traditional braces, but without most of the inconveniences. Instead of wires and brackets, a series of clear plastic trays are fitted to your teeth and worn for up to 22 hours a day. Slight adjustments are made with each new tray in order to properly align your teeth to the desired position. Since these trays are removed during eating and brushing, caring for your teeth during orthodontic treatment becomes much more convenient — and best of all, you don't have to give up any of the foods you love!

Most adults find clear aligners more desirable since they are far more discreet than traditional metal braces. Most people will be completely unaware you're even undergoing an orthodontic treatment at all! If you have questions about clear aligners, contact your trusted orthodontist in Muscle Shoals and the Shoals area such as Tuscumbia, Florence, and Sheffield, AL.

Contact Your Muscle Shoals Orthodontist at Hudson Orthodontics Now!

If you have questions about orthodontic treatments, or think you might be a candidate for treatment, don't wait any longer! Make an appointment with your orthodontist in Muscle Shoals and the Shoals area such as Tuscumbia, Florence, and Sheffield, AL. Hudson Orthodontics can create the perfect treatment plan just for you. Whether you're interested in clear aligners or traditional metal braces, we have the means to give you the smile you've always dreamed of. Contact us today to learn more, or simply fill out our convenient online form to get started. We look forward to hearing from you!